Friday, November 4, 2011

Just Getting Started

Hello my lovelies! Though I doubt there are any right now since this a newly published blog but if there are then thank you for taking the time out to read my blog! I guess I'll just start with the basics! My name is Dashia Robinson, I'm 16 years old and guess what I L0VE FASHI0N! I plan to become very successful in the Fashion Industry and make a huge impact in whatever I'm working on in that point of time when I get there. Now judging by my age and my enthusiastically way of typing your probably think I'm just some immature youngin' who has no idea what she's talking about. But that's not true at all. Now I'm not going to lie I wasn't born wearing Gucci diapers and the immediate passion for fashion like I have now. No, it wasn't until about when I started high school that I wanted to start looking up trends, subscribing to Fashion Mags, and actually care about what I'm wearing for the day. Fashion to me is a lifestyle, it's who you are and how you express your self. And I'm here to give that to you blog by blog. So, if you want genuine opinions from a girl that's crazy about fashion then you came to the right blog.
Any newbies here also? Lets help each other so we wont be left in the dust in the fast paced blog world.
P.S- PLEASE don't mind the picture this is defiantly not me on my best days. But since I'm without a camera at the moment I'll have to rely on camera phones. This pic was taken a few months ago when I was going to see X-men First Class( AWS0ME M0VIE!) But yeah you will see better pics soon, I just thought I'd give you a picture of me :) Bye! My next post on what to expect from me will be coming soon.

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